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Parent Teacher Conferences Spring 2025

February 6th

We look forward to seeing you!! Thank you for making this investment in your student and taking this time to partner with your teachers at GCA! 

K-6th Grade Instructions:

  1. Please enter through the MAIN GCA SOUTH  doors under the portico.

  2. Arrive at the door to your assigned homeroom classroom for your homeroom teacher conference. (These will be posted)

**Your coaches and elective teachers are available by appointment. 

7th, 8th and High School Instructions:

1. Please enter through the MAIN GCA SOUTH doors under the portico.

2. Your conferences will take place in the GYM 

3. You will arrive in the GYM as a group all at once– of 3-6 families. Each family chooses a teacher to start with, and then you will rotate in a clockwise direction each time the bell rings. 

4. If you need more time with a teacher or are unable to meet with a teacher, they would be happy to schedule a conference with you at your convenience. 

*Electives and MATH teachers are available in the LOBBY, no appointment needed