Uniform & Dress Code
At Grace Covenant Academy, we require all students to wear school uniforms. Uniforms can be purchased through our exclusive uniform provider, Lands’ End.
Why Uniforms?
Uniforms at GCA help to ensure a standard of modesty and neatness which glorifies God and helps students focus on academics.
As you keep this goal in mind, we trust that our uniform policy will prove to be more of a blessing than a burden for your family. Students are expected to be in uniform from the time they enter the facility until the time they leave the facility.

Lands End
Uniforms must be purchased through our exclusive provider, Lands’ End, before the first day of school.
Navigating Lands End Page- Buying Uniforms
Here are the steps to purchase a uniform from Lands End:
Go to THIS webpage
At the top right of the page hover over My Account and click Create an Account or Sign in
Walk through the steps to create your account or sign in with google
On the left menu select School Uniforms
On the top right click the button Add a Student
Here you will enter the school code: 900140856 and your students grade level (you will need to go through this process for each of your student’s if you have multiple kids in the school
Select the gender and grade of your student and then click Save School
You are now ready to shop! Choose the student you want to shop for and click Shop for this School
Uniform Specifics
Note- all the uniforms for sale on Land’s End are approved to be worn to school. If you have questions about specifics please see below
Lower School | Grades K -5

All students must own AT LEAST 1 navy blue polo (purchased through Lands’ End) with the GCA logo embroidered on it. We use the navy polos for field trips.
You are welcome to purchase red and white polos as well.
Polos can be worn tucked or untucked.
LS Girls Pants Options
-Khaki pants (Can be purchased from anywhere)
-Land’s End Plaid skort or skirt with modesty shorts or leggings (Skirt length should be at the knee.)
-Land’s End Plaid jumper with an embroidered peter pan blouse. (The peter pan blouse is to be worn only with the jumper and not with other skirts or pants).
-Khaki or Navy Shorts (They must be 3 inches or less above the knee. Can be purchased from anywhere)

LS Boys Pants Options
-Khaki pants (Can be purchased from anywhere)
-Khaki or Navy shorts (They must be 3 inches or less above the knee. Can be purchased from anywhere)
All shoes must be closed toed. No Crocs, flip-flops, roller shoes, boots or sandals are allowed. These restrictions are for safety. Lower School students should wear tennis shoes or shoes that allow them to be active for P.E.

Any color socks are acceptable, except with skirts. When worn with skirts, socks should be navy or white.
Sweaters or jackets
All sweaters worn in the classroom must be purchased through Land’s End and have the GCA logo. Jackets and coats worn back and forth to school — outside of the classroom — do NOT need to follow these guidelines.
All other products sold on our Lands’ End school site are optional.
Hats and masks
have also been added in our Land’s End storefront. If you’re student is opting to wear a face shield that uses a ball cap, you may order one with the GCA logo on it. We have also added face masks with our logo to the store.
Upper School | Grades 6 – 12
All students must own AT LEAST 1 navy blue polo (purchased through Lands’ End) with the GCA logo embroidered on it. We use the navy polos for field trips.
You are welcome to purchase red and white polos as well.
Polos can be worn tucked or untucked.
Formal uniform
All Upper School Students must own a “formal dress ensemble” for chapel days, leadership events and special occasions.
US Girls formal attire

–Three-quarter sleeved or long sleeved Lands’ End blouse with school logo (Blouses must be tucked and all buttons buttoned.)
-Lands’ End navy criss-cross tie
-Lands’ End plaid skirt (Skirt length should be at the knee)
-Dress shoes (No heels, we recommend flats. Can be purchased anywhere)
OPTIONAL- Logo-embroidered cardigans or blazers may be worn but are not required.
US Boys formal attire
–White button-down oxford with GCA logo (Shirts must be tucked, all buttons buttoned and ties tied properly.)
-Lands’ End plaid tie
-Navy or khaki pants
-Black or brown belt
-Dark crew socks and dress shoes or black tennis shoes with black laces and black soles.
OPTIONAL- A logo embroidered sweater or blazer is optional.
US Girls casual pants options

-Lands’ End approved skirt or pants. (The skirt may be accompanied by navy or black modesty shorts or leggings. Skirt length should be at the knee)
-Navy or Khaki Shorts (They must be 3 inches or less above the knee.)
–Khaki Pants
NOTE- Skirt length: Skirt length should be at the knee. Currently, Lands’ End does not indicate how long the skirt is for the various sizes. If you have a girl with long legs, we suggest that after you select the skirt, click on the “Fit and Size” button. The grid will tell you how tall the girl is for which they made each size skirt. Estimate by that for now. We are asking Lands’ End to show the skirt length in inches for each size. Families with an especially tall or slender girl might need to buy a size larger and pin the skirt at the waist or take a simple tuck in it until she gains more girth.
US Boys casual pants options
-Lands’ End Khaki pants (or similar purchased elsewhere)
-Navy or Khaki Shorts (They must be 3 inches or less above the knee.)
All shoes must be closed toed. No Crocs, flip-flops, roller shoes, boots or sandals are allowed. These restrictions are for safety.
Any color socks are acceptable, except with skirts. When worn with skirts, socks should be navy or white.
Sweaters or jackets
All sweaters worn in the classroom must be purchased through Land’s End and have the GCA logo. Jackets and coats worn back and forth to school — outside of the classroom — do NOT need to follow these guidelines.
All other products sold on our Lands’ End school site are optional.
Hats and masks
have also been added in our Land’s End storefront. If you’re student is opting to wear a face shield that uses a ball cap, you may order one with the GCA logo on it. We have also added face masks with our logo to the store.
Used Uniform and Book Resale
After the school year ends, we hold a Used Uniform and Textbook Resale so that families can sell their outgrown uniforms and used textbooks and buy for next year in an economical way. For details about this sale, go to Forms and Resources (menu at left or by clicking on the “+” sign on your phone) and search under “U.” We appreciate the parents who make this happen!
Uniform Return Instructions
Any returns of new uniforms can be made at the Lands’ End School Uniform Store, 3211 Preston Rd in Frisco or 4909 W. Park Boulevard in Plano. Lands’ End will also replace pants that have torn or worn through the knee for free. If you need help with your order, please follow the instructions on the attached flyer HERE.
Forms + Resources